I started off my career in the Engineering field but after a few years I moved to computing. This was in the early 90’s where I started off as a Database programmer at the Employment and Training Corp (ETC). At the time I was working with DBASE IV™ and INFORMIX™ RDBMS. I moved to Server Systems support and administration after completing a course at NCR / AT&T Training Centre in Birmingham UK.
Following this I joined Mizzi Organisation, where for ten years I supported the ICT function of the group’s Automotive division. During this time I was responsible for the implementation of a number of projects, namely the VW / AUDI CPN (Central Partner Network), Porche AG PPN (Porche Partner Network) and PIWIS (Information System) and BMW’s JETSTREAM apart from the other car franchise systems.
In 2007, I joined Izola Bank as the ICT & Operations Manager. During these eight years I managed the ICT department and implemented a number of systems, notably, the migration of the Core Banking system and the S.W.I.F.T. system, setting up the Bank’s Disaster Recovery site, supporting some of the functionality of the e-banking system and the introduction of numerous other systems.